Friday, January 1, 2010

From Jason Curry

I can’t wait to be at Kairos with you!

If this is your first event with Rock Creek Students, I hope it is the best experience of your life and the beginning of you plugged in!

I love this week because it is so laid back and exciting at the same time! It is designed to give you an experience you will never forget.

There is no better place for you to have an encounter with God! If you will take advantage of the flexible schedule, break from school, quietness away from cell phones, and the peace of the lake, God will teach you something.

However, for Him to teach you something you must be receptive and have an open heart.

Enjoy the worship, time alone with God, and the teaching sessions. Take good notes and record what you learn. Take a nap, walk on the beach, and fellowship with friends, but most of all sit at the feet of the father to be restored, refreshed, and refocused.

Jason Curry
Pastor To Students


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